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How to deal with back-to-school anxiety

By Kanjo
4 min
Last updated
January 7, 2023
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Oh, school. Whiteboards, uniform, exam grades, swimming competitions, social pressure – understandably it can all be a little anxiety producing. Of course, many children look forward to going back to school, seeing their friends and impressing their teachers. For others, encouraging them to get in the car on that first morning back might prove a little trickier. However, school cannot, and should not, be avoided. That said, there are plenty of ways to make the return a little easier for your little ones, and we at Kanjo have you covered.


1. Actively prepare for what’s ahead

Anxiety festers in the unknown. If your child senses that their first day back is going to be chaotic, filled with telling offs and embarrassment at not having done their homework or not wearing the right shoes to PE, then you can expect a natural increase in nervousness.

So, make sure they know what the day, or even better, the week, has in store and help them get ready. It can be as simple as putting their school uniform out for the next day or packing their school bag. Ideally, you want your child to be as independently organised as possible, but just after the holidays it is wise to give them a little more assistance than usual.

2. Begin moderating their diet and sleeping schedule one week before they return to school

We all want our children to enjoy their holidays. This might mean more late nights and mornings-in than usual, as well as plenty of chocolate and sweets, especially at Christmas. However, in the long-term, a bad diet and poor sleep hygiene leaves children feeling irritable, unfocussed and angry. Help them feel calm and relaxed by regulating how much they sleep and what they eat a little before school starts. It’s all about making that transition period as easy as possible.

3. Make sure conversations about school are positive

Perhaps your child has a reason to be a little anxious about the term ahead. Maybe their teacher is a bit lazy, or the school lunches are rubbish, or it’s a real trek to get there in the first place. First and foremost, you should be thinking more generally about whether this is the right school for your child. If you conclude that it still is, keep your negative views to yourself. Your child is probably even more aware than you are of the negative aspects of their school. Make sure not to compound their concerns with yours and focus on the positives.

Further Reading